Map of #NoWarWithSyria Protests
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Syria anti-intervention march in London draws thousands (PHOTOS)
Syria was a protest against the war in London
Syria Anti-War Protest - London, UK - August 2013
Syria Anti-War Protest - London, UK - August 2013
Rullano i tamburi di guerra
Per un assemblea cittadina contro l’ intervento militare in Siria.Realtà organizzate e singoli cittadini sono invitati ad aderire ad un assemblea pubblica da tenersi a Roma mercoledì, 4 settembre, per discutere come contrastare l'annunciato bombardamento della Siria.
EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack
Siria: i ribelli usano armi chimiche saudite, Un articolo di Dale Gavlak e Yahya Ababneh
Message des Syriens aux français, aux médias occidentaux et aux hypocrites M. Hollande et M. Fabius
Siria: al Azhar, attacco minaccia Islam
Principale autorità sunnita,Obama ha oltrepassato tutti i limiti
(ANSA) - IL CAIRO, 1 SET - Barack Obama ''ha oltrepassato tutti i limiti delle norme internazionali'' e l'annuncio di voler colpire la Siria e' ''una minaccia per la Nazione araba e islamica e mette in pericolo la pace e la sicurezza internazionale''. E' il duro monito lanciato da al Azhar, il piu' importante centro teologico musulmano sunnita.
Siria, il Papa sfida Obama: digiuno contro la guerra
«Mai più guerra». Con un gesto clamoroso, la cui forma così esplicita e diretta ha pochi precedenti della storia, il Papa si schiera apertamente contro l’intervento militare in Siria. E assume virtualmente la leadeship politico-spirituale dell’Occidente, pronunciando parole inequivocabili dal balcone di piazza San Pietro durante l’Angelus della domenica mattina: «La comunità internazionale agisca sulla base del dialogo: il grido della pace si levi alto, perché tutti rimpongano le armi e si lascino guidare da un anelito di pace». Di più: il pontefice indice per il 7 settembre una grande manifestazione contro la guerra e annuncia un digiuno di preghiera per invocare la rinuncia all’uso della forza contro Damasco. E’ un monito di inaudita efficacia, rivolto direttamente a Barack Obama, che considera il raid inevitabile ma lo posticipa all’indomani del 9 settembre. Messaggio drammaticamente chiaro, quello del Vaticano: è ufficiale, il mondo è in pericolo.
«Condanno l’uso delle armi chimiche», esordisce Bergoglio, con il volto teso: «Vi dico che ho ancora fisse le terribili immagini dei giorni scorsi», quelle dei bambini siriani uccisi dai gas tossici sprigionati dai proiettili chimici. Per quell’orrore, «c’è un giudizio di Dio e della storia a cui non si può sfuggire». Ma, aggiunge il Papa, «non è mai l’uso della violenza che porta alla pace: guerra chiama guerra, violenza chiama violenza». Per cui: «Chiedo alle parti in conflitto di non chiudersi nei propriinteressi, ma di guardare all’altro intraprendendo la via dell’incontro», perché oggi più che mai «l’umanità ha bisogno di vedere gesti di pace». Parole che confermano appieno il timore di chi paventa l’innesco di una sorta di “terza guerra mondiale” dietro il possibile bombardamento missilistico della Siria.
Preanunciata dalla visita del sovrano Abdallah di Giordania, insieme a cui ha auspicato il ritorno alla ragione e la rinuncia a pericolose ritorsioni militari contro il regime di Damasco, la sortita di Papa Francesco il 1° settembre 2013 sembra destinata ad assumere un peso di portata storica, completata dall’annuncio della mobilitazione generale dei cristiani: «Ho deciso che il 7 settembre prossimo sarà dedicato a una giornata di digiuno e preghiera per la pace in Siria, in Medio Oriente e nel mondointero. Qui, in piazza San Pietro, dalle ore 19 ci riuniremo in preghiera per invocare da Dio questo grande dono per l’amata nazione siriana e tutti gli altri paesi».
ASIA/SIRIA - La Caritas: colloqui di pace, unica opzione per la crisi siriana 53415-ASIA_SIRIA_La_Caritas_ colloqui_di_pace_unica_ opzione_per_la_crisi_siriana#. UiHbBkhH7Mw
Città del Vaticano (Agenzia Fides) – La guerra civile in corso in Siria può essere risolta solo attraverso colloqui di pace, afferma una nota diffusa dalla Caritas Internationalis e inviata all’Agenzia Fides. Il Segretario Generale di Caritas Internationalis, il francese Michel Roy, ha spiegato: “Il popolo siriano non ha bisogno di ulteriori spargimenti di sangue, ma di una rapida fine del conflitto. Ha bisogno di una tregua immediata. Un intervento militare da parte di potenze straniere non farà che approfondire la guerra e aumentare la sofferenza”. La nota ricorda che “le tragiche conseguenze degli interventi militari in Iraq, Afghanistan e Libia”.
Per questo, afferma la nota giunta a Fides, “Caritas ritiene che l'unica soluzione umanitaria sia il negoziato. Il dialogo può porre fine alla guerra in Siria , salvaguardare la vita delle persone e costruire un futuro sostenibile per tutti. La priorità deve essere quella di rilanciare i colloqui a Ginevra come il primo passo verso un cessate il fuoco e un accordo di pace”.
La Caritas afferma che “il presunto uso di armi chimiche a Damasco ha evidenziato come la situazione umanitaria sia diventata catastrofica per milioni di persone in Siria. L' uso di armi chimiche è un crimine orribile”. Caritas condanna tutti gli attacchi contro i civili: “Secondo il diritto internazionale, i combattenti hanno il dovere di proteggere le vite dei civili”. La comunità internazionale – aggiunge la Caritas –“ha l'obbligo di trovare una fine alle sofferenze del popolo siriano, e questo si può realizzare solo attraverso un ampio dialogo”.
Intanto Caritas Siria e altri partner della Chiesa continuano a fornire assistenza umanitaria a migliaia di cittadini e rifugiati siriani, senza alcuna discriminazione per etnia, credo religioso o politico. Mons. Antoine Audo, Arcivescovo caldeo di Aleppo e presidente di Caritas Siria, ha detto: “Ci auguriamo che l'appello di Papa Francesco per un autentico dialogo tra le parti in conflitto possa essere un primo passo per fermare i combattimenti”. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 31/08/2013)
Siria: Putin, Usa portino prove a Onu
"Insensate le accuse contro Damasco su armi chimiche" notizie/rubriche/topnews/2013/ 08/31/Siria-Putin-Usa-portino- prove-Onu_9224535.html
Siria. Putin a Obama, premio Nobel Pace pensi a future vittime news/siria/2013/08/31/putin-a- obama-premio-nobel-pace-pensi- a-future-vittime/
Ecco perché la «portaerei» Italia
alla fine sarà coinvolta con le basi attualita/notizie/mricN/9826/
Siria: Iran, attacco Usa provochera' reazioni anche in altri Paesi _Iran__attacco_Usa_provochera_ _reazioni_anche_in_altri_ Paesi-1309235-ATT.html
Papa con re Giordania,appello pace Siria
Negoziato unica opzione fine conflitto notizie/rubriche/topnews/2013/ 08/29/Papa-re-Giordania- appello-pace-Siria_9215051. html
(ANSA) - CITTA' DEL VATICANO, 29 AGO - Papa Francesco e il re di Giordania, nel corso dell'udienza privata oggi in Vaticano, hanno riservato "speciale attenzione alla tragica situazione in cui versa la Siria". "E' stato riaffermato che la via del dialogo e della negoziazione fra tutti i componenti della società siriana, con il sostegno della comunità internazionale, è l'unica opzione per porre fine al conflitto".
Sull'orlo della terza guerra mondiale. La nostra rassegna stampa.
http://oraprosiria.blogspot. it/2013/08/sullorlo-della- terza-guerra-mondiale-la.html
WikiLeaks: dal 2006 gli Usa
pronti a destabilizzare Assad attualita/notizie/mricN/9820/
Il copione maledetto è già scritto
e non lascia ben sperare attualita/notizie/mricN/9825/
Cientos de personas protestan en Sol contra la intervención en Siria / Fotografía: Juan Luis Fernández
Cientos de personas se concentran en Sol contra una "guerra imperialista" en Siria politica/guerra_en_siria- siria-ONU-OTAN-manifestacion- Sol_0_170083459.html
Siria, da basi Cipro non partirà attacco
Ministro degli esteri, abbiamo avuto garanzie da Londra notizie/rubriche/topnews/2013/ 08/31/Siria-basi-Cipro- partira-attacco_9226499.html
Siria: maggioranza dei francesi non vuole intervento armato notizie/mondo/item/130882- siria-maggioranza-dei- francesi-non-vuole-intervento- armato
Hands off Syria protesters in Ukraine v=xhk42ugWUC8 ( video )
Is people willing to take part on a War? d9e5e46e5fd7 ( foto )
Siria, venti di guerra ma anche manifestazioni pacifiste videonews/178403/Esteri/ ( video )
Siria, "serve Conferenza per la pace"
Il Consiglio federale sostiene la soluzione politica channels/informazione/info_on_ line/2013/08/28-Siria_erve_ Conferenza_per_la_pace
Contro la guerra in Siria. contro-la-guerra-in-siria- 1938992/
«Questo dunque è il problema che vi presentiamo, netto, terribile e inevitabile: dobbiamo porre fine alla razza umana oppure l'umanità dovrà rinunciare alla guerra?»Lo scrivevano Bertrand Russell e Albert Einstein nel 1955.
Sono passati quasi sessant’anni, ma l’umanità non ha ancora rinunciato alla guerra. Anzi, ancora una volta, viene presentata come l’unica opzione possibile per mettere fine a un conflitto.
Non lo è. L’abbiamo visto con i nostri occhi in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Libia: le guerre “per la pace” hanno solo alimentato altra violenza e in questi Paesi i civili continuano a morire, ogni giorno.
Ai morti già causati dalla guerra in Siria se ne aggiungeranno altri, perché scegliere le armi oggi significa decidere sempre, consapevolmente, di colpire la popolazione civile: nei conflitti contemporanei il 90% delle vittime sono sempre bambini, donne e uomini inermi.
Centinaia di migliaia di persone hanno già abbandonato la Siria per cercare rifugio nei Paesi vicini. Li abbiamo incontrati anche in Sicilia, dove i nostri medici stanno garantendo le prime cure ai profughi che stanno sbarcando sulle coste di Siracusa.
In tutti questi anni abbiamo visto che la guerra è sempre l’opzione più disumana, e inutile.
Chiediamo che l’Italia rifiuti l’intervento armato e si impegni invece per chiedere alla comunità degli Stati l’immediato intervento diplomatico, l’unica soluzione ammissibile secondo il diritto internazionale, l’unica in grado di costruire un processo di pace che abbia come primo obiettivo la tutela della popolazione siriana, già vittima della guerra civile.
L’umanità può ancora decidere di rinunciare alla guerra: difendere e praticare i diritti umani fondamentali è l’unico modo per costruire le basi per una convivenza pacifica tra i popoli.
Gino Strada photo.php?fbid= 510322492385587&set=a. 336969423054229.79767. 336959353055236
Rasmussen: La OTAN no va a participar en una intervención militar en el conflicto de Siria actualidad/view/104343-otan- siria-guerra-eeuu
El secretario general de la OTAN, Anders Fogh Rasmussen ha declarado que la alianza internacional no va a participar en una intervención militar en el conflicto de Siria, según el periódico danés 'Politiken'. Si bien el jefe de la OTAN dijo estar convencido de que quienes usaron las armas químicas en Siria fueron las fuerzas del gobierno, lo que –subraya- supone "un crimen que no puede ser ignorado", aclaró que la OTAN no participará en ninguna acción militar contra Siria. "No veo a la OTAN jugando ningún papel en la respuesta internacional al régimen sirio", cita al alto cargo el diario danés ‘Politiken’. El Secretario de Estado de EE.UU., John Kerry, hará una declaración acerca de la situación en Siria a las 16.30 GMT, indicó hoy el Gobierno estadounidense. La comparecencia de Kerry se produce mientras crecen las especulaciones acerca de un ataque militar de Washington contra Siria por el supuesto de armas químicas.
Molti dei conservatori che hanno votato contro l’attacco in Siria non sono pacifisti, ma ex militari conservatori-voto-contro- cameron-chi-sono#.UiENOEhH7Mx
Spulciando fra le biografie dei parlamentari che hanno messo in minoranza Cameron, si scopre che alcuni di loro hanno un passato nell’esercito.L’Inghilterra ha detto no alla guerra in Siria. Il parlamento inglese ha infatti bocciato, con 285 voti contrari e 272 favorevoli, il premier David Cameron in un voto preliminare sull’intervento militare a fianco di Stati Uniti e Francia. È successo a poco più di dieci anni di distanza dalla votazione che allora diede il via libera all’azione militare in Iraq. Determinanti per l’esito sono stati 29 parlamentari conservatori e 7 Lib Dem (il Daily Mirror riporta sul suo sito l’elenco completo dei nominativi).I MILITARI HANNO DETTO NO. Tra i “Tories” dissenzienti ci sono parlamentari che hanno un passato nell’esercito. Steve Baker (nella foto) ha prestato servizio per anni come ingegnere nelle fila della Royal Air Force (Raf), la gloriosa aviazione britannica, viaggiando dall’Alaska a Hong Kong, passando per l’Egitto e l’Oman. Baker ha così motivato la sua scelta di opporsi alla guerra: «L’intervento delle forze armate non è mai “umanitario”. Ciò che serve è un cessate il fuoco, per quanto imperfetto possa essere, e una conferenza di pace. Questo è ciò per cui il governo dovrebbe impegnarsi, non in una guerra per punire. Le punizioni le infliggono i giudici contro gli individui, non le nazioni contro le nazioni».MEGLIO STARE FUORI DALLA SIRIA. John Baron, che è entrato nell’esercito nel 1984 come fuciliere prestando servizio a Berlino, in Irlanda del Nord e, da ultimo, a Cipro con le Nazioni Unite fino al 1988, saluta con soddisfazione la scampata partecipazione a un bombardamento areo sulla Siria: «Le decisioni chiave di politica estera sono più importanti della politica di partito. Al Numero 10 (di Downing Street, dove risiede il primo ministro inglese, ndr) hanno fatto male i conti. E, come è in ogni “special relationship”, i buoni amici si dicono l’un l’altro quando uno di loro sta sbagliando».Baron ha poi aggiunto: «A nessuna delle nostre domande sollevate in merito alla legittimità o meno di un intervento senza l’adozione di una risoluzione da parte delle Nazioni Unite e agli obiettivi militari è stata data risposta. Molti di noi, inoltre, sono preoccupati da una possibile escalation del conflitto oltre i confini siriani. Questa è una feroce guerra civile dove atrocità sono state commesse da ambo le parti», regime di Assad e ribelli. Baron è convinto che molto di più in termini umanitari può essere fatto per sostenere l’opera dei campi profughi.UNA GUERRA CIVILE IN PIENA REGOLA. Crispin Blunt ha prestato i suoi servigi per undici anni dal 1979 al 1990 nel 13° e 18° battaglione dei Royal Hussars (Queen Mary’s Own) fino a diventare capitano ed è anch’egli convinto che «è l’evidenza a mostrare che un intervento potrebbe causare un peggioramento della situazione» in Siria.
E non è l’unico: anche David Davies e Philippe Hollobone, che hanno anch’essi un passato nell’esercito come volontari, la pensano così. Mentre Jason McCarteny (nella foto a destra) è stato ufficiale della Raf a Las Vegas, Turchia, Gibilterra, Germania, Cipro e da ultimo in Iraq. I militari, inoltre, non dimostrano di essere convinti nemmeno dal presunto rinvenimento di armi chimiche. Sempre Baker si domanda: «Sicuramente la presenza di armi chimiche sarebbe una “oscenità morale”, ma i cecchini che sparano sui bambini forse non lo sono? La Siria non è soltanto una tirannia che opprime una popolazione soggiogata. Ma una guerra civile in piena regola».ATTENZIONE AD AL QAEDA. Julian Lewis, che non ha un passato nell’esercito, mette in luce una preoccupazione condivisa da chi si è opposto alla guerra: «Sarebbe assolutamente contrario all’interesse nazionale un nostro impegno nella trasformazione dell’ennesima dittatura araba in un altro regime sotto controllo islamista, soprattuto per via della presenza in numero considerevole di attivisti affiliati ad Al Qaeda nel cuore dell’opposizione» ad Assad.
In questi giorni ha parlato anche Andrew Turner, parlamentare dell’Isola di Wight: «La Siria è un acciarino che qualsiasi scintilla può fare esplodere». Un pensiero che aveva espresso già dieci anni fa, quando fu uno dei quindici conservatori ad opporsi all’intervento militare in Iraq.
Syria 'This is why we have a parliament' we-have-a-parliament/a- 17055813
Questo non è un appello. Non è una petizione. Non raccogliamo firme, né cerchiamo consensi. Vogliamo solo offrire qualche spunto di riflessione per il dibattito che si sta sviluppando al seguito dei “venti di guerra” che provengono dallo scenario internazionale
Siria, Legambiente dice no alla guerra. La pace passa dal cessate il fuoco immediato news/geopolitica/siria- legambiente-dice-no-alla- guerra-la-pace-passa-dal- cessate-il-fuoco-immediato
Siria, Movimento non violento: “No all’intervento dell’Italia” 2013/08/30/siria-movimento- non-violento-no-allintervento- dellitalia/
 rommana.mag
CONFIRMED: US Claims Against Syria - There is no Evidence
http://landdestroyer.blogspot. it/2013/08/cofirmed-us-claims- against-syria-there.html
CONFIRMED: US Claims Against Syria - There is no Evidence
August 28, 2013 (Tony Cartalucci) - The Wall Street Journal has confirmed what many suspected, that the West's so-called "evidence" of the latest alleged "chemical attacks" in Syria, pinned on the Syrian government are fabrications spun up from the West's own dubious intelligence agencies.
The Wall Street Journal reveals that the US is citing claims from Israel's Mossad intelligence agency fed to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a repeat of the fabrications that led up to the Iraq War, the Libyan War, and have been used now for 3 years to justify continued support of extremists operating within and along Syria's borders.
Wall Street Journal's article, "U.S., Allies Prepare to Act as Syria Intelligence Mounts," states:
One crucial piece of the emerging case came from Israeli spy services, which provided the Central Intelligence Agency with intelligence from inside an elite special Syrian unit that oversees Mr. Assad's chemical weapons, Arab diplomats said. The intelligence, which the CIA was able to verify, showed that certain types of chemical weapons were moved in advance to the same Damascus suburbs where the attack allegedly took place a week ago, Arab diplomats said.
Both Mossad and the CIA are clearly compromised in terms of objectivity and legitimacy. Neither exists nor is expected to provide impartial evidence, but rather to facilitate by all means necessary the self-serving agendas, interests, and objectives of their respective governments.
That both Israel and the United States, as far back as 2007 have openly conspired together to overthrow the government of Syria through a carefully engineered sectarian bloodbath, discredits entirely their respective intelligence agencies. This is precisely why an impartial, objective third-party investigation has been called for by the international community and agreed upon by the Syrian government - a third-party investigation the US has now urged to be canceled ahead of its planned military strikes.
The Wall Street Journal reports:
In an email on Sunday, White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice told U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power and other top officials that the U.N. mission was pointless because the chemical weapons evidence already was conclusive, officials said. The U.S. privately urged the U.N. to pull the inspectors out, setting the stage for President Barack Obama to possibly move forward with a military response, officials said.
The US then, not Syria, is attempting a coverup, with fabrications in place from discredited, compromised intelligence sources and the threat of impending military strikes that would endanger the UN inspection team's safety should they fail to end their investigation and withdraw.
The Wall Street Journal also reiterated that the US is planning to fully sidestep the UN Security Council and proceed with its partners unilaterally:
...if the U.S. chose to strike, it would do so with allies and without the U.N., in order to sidestep an expected Russian veto.
The US proceeds now with absolute disregard for international law, all but declaring it has no intention of providing credible evidence of its accusations against the Syrian government. It is a rush to war with all the hallmarks of dangerous desperation as the West's proxy forces collapse before the Syrian military. Western military leaders must consider the strategic tenants and historical examples regarding the dangers and folly of haste and imprudence in war - especially war fought to protect special interests and political agendas rather than to defend territory.
The populations of the West must likewise consider what benefits they have garnered from the last decade of military conquest their leaders have indulged in. Crumbling economies gutted to feed the preservation of special interests and the growing domestic security apparatuses to keep these interests safe from both domestic and foreign dissent are problems that will only grow more acute.
Outside of the West, in Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran, leaders must consider a future where Western special interests can invade with impunity, without public support, or even the tenuous semblance of justification being necessary.
SYRIA: Mother Agnes Mariam exposes western funded Terrorism in Syria ( video ) v=8Inswn17JNU
28 agosto, 2013
http://tenacarlos.wordpress. com/2013/08/28/hoy-a-las-8-de- la-tarde-en-el-ateneo-de- madrid-asamblea-no-a-la- guerra/
Another false flag operation, history repeating itself
http://mediawerkgroepsyrie. another-false-flag-operation- history-repeating-itself/
MEDIA WORKGROUP SYRIA – 28 August 2013 – On Wednesday 21st of August the world received the news that a chemical attack had been launched in Damascus countryside with, numbers and facts varying hugely according to the source, 300 to 1300 victims counting. A large part of them women and children. The United States, United Kingdom, France and their allies backed up by the Western media was quick to blame, without any investigation or proof, the Syrian government of carrying out this attack. Warning that a red line had been crossed and that military action was on the table to “punish the Syrian government”. Taking into account the international context of hostility towards Syria, it is easy to understand why the Western governments and their regional allies were jumping within hours on the carriage of false accusations, accusing the Syrian government and hence opening a window of opportunity to launch a military strike as they have done before in Iraq, Libya and in other places at different times all over the world. But it is more hardly to understand how established media organisations with a reputation on the national and international level are acting in such an unprofessional way as to blindly follow their political leaders in their reporting and criticism, or lack of, without any journalistic investigation or ethics and professionalism applied. The Syrian stance The Syrian government has repeatedly and unambiguously stated that it would never use weapons of mass destruction, if such weapons exist in Syria, against its own population. Not only because it makes no strategic sense but because of the unethical nature of the use of these kind of weapons by any government against its own population. The Syrian government also immediately called for an international and scientific investigation backed by the United Nations of the facts and accusations towards it proving that is has nothing to hide. No military strategic logic in the use of weapons of mass destruction The Syrian national army has for the last couple of months been on the offensive and made huge gains on the battle field against the terrorist groups and foreign infiltrators all over the country. The Syrian army also made huge progress in Damascus countryside and the Eastern Ghouta and cleared large parts of it from these terrorist groups. From a military point of view it makes no sense to use weapons of mass destruction because the Syrian army proved for the last two years and a half that it doesn’t have to use such weapons to successfully counter the aggression against it and the use of chemical weapons in such an environment would not only affect the civilian population but would also endanger its own troops.Political suicide The Syrian government repeatedly stated that it would never use such weapons, if they exist, against its own population. The Syrian government also backed any international initiative to find a political way out of the crisis. It gave its full support for the Geneva II Conference while the foreign opposition in the same time boycotted participation in this Conference as well as every other political initiative to find a peaceful way out of the crisis. It is in this context of political goodwill and constructiveness that the Syrian government got the backing and support of many countries, not the least Russia and China, both permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. If, hypothetically speaking, the Syrian government would act against its own principles on which its international relations are build on, it would immediately lose this support and commit political suicide. So also from a political point of view it makes no sense at all to even think that the Syrian government would use weapons of mass destruction against its own population.The timing : Visit of UN chemical weapons inspectors team to Damascus It is of course no coincidence that the current crisis coincides with the visit of a UN chemical weapons inspectors team to Damascus as the whole world’s attention is now focused on Syria. The team of inspectors arrived in Syria to investigate another incident involving chemical weapons, the chemical weapons strike in the village of Khan al-Assal near Aleppo on March 19 in which dozens of people were killed. Also in this attack unfounded and baseless accusations were directed against the Syrian government without any investigations being made. Turning the situation into a window of opportunity, the Syrian government made use of the visit of the chemical weapons inspectors team and, in an expression of openness and goodwill, agreed immediately to let the inspectors visit the site of the attack to make the necessary investigations. Unfortunately, on their way to the site, the inspectors teams came under a fierce attack by snipers belonging to the terrorists groups and had to return to their hotel in Damascus. These acts of violence and hostilities make it very clear which side wants to sabotage the work of the inspection team and has things to hide. Despite being under attack by terrorist snipers the inspectors could still take samples and made interviews with local people about the events which took place and they will make another attempt to reach the site today, Wednesday August 28. Iraq revisited and other False Flag operations Within hours after the attack, without any investigation or inspection being made, the U.S. government and its British and French allies bragged that they had undeniable evidence that the attack was carried out by the Syrian national army and that the Syrian government “should be punished” for it and… faced with Russian and Chinese warnings about the illegality of conducting once again a military attack against another country without a U.N.-mandate, the U.S., British and French governments were quick to respond that they would attack even without any U.N.-mandate. This is of course nothing new as recent American history is dotted by examples of false flag operations, downright lies and distortion of reality to carry out their political plans and military adventures. The world witnessed how the American government lied about the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction to condone the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the following regime change. And, more recently, we could again witness how the United States misled and misused the United Nations when the American government used Resolution 1973 (the establishment of a no-fly zone and the use of “all means necessary” to protect civilians within Libya) to carry out regime change in Libya. These examples show how total disregard and lack of respect for international law and rules characterise American foreign policy and that we can expect anything from a Nation who position itself out of any legal framework or international diplomatic norms. Kris Janssen.Belgium.
ASIA/SIRIA - La Caritas: colloqui di pace, unica opzione per la crisi siriana
Città del Vaticano (Agenzia Fides) – La guerra civile in corso in Siria può essere risolta solo attraverso colloqui di pace, afferma una nota diffusa dalla Caritas Internationalis e inviata all’Agenzia Fides. Il Segretario Generale di Caritas Internationalis, il francese Michel Roy, ha spiegato: “Il popolo siriano non ha bisogno di ulteriori spargimenti di sangue, ma di una rapida fine del conflitto. Ha bisogno di una tregua immediata. Un intervento militare da parte di potenze straniere non farà che approfondire la guerra e aumentare la sofferenza”. La nota ricorda che “le tragiche conseguenze degli interventi militari in Iraq, Afghanistan e Libia”.
Per questo, afferma la nota giunta a Fides, “Caritas ritiene che l'unica soluzione umanitaria sia il negoziato. Il dialogo può porre fine alla guerra in Siria , salvaguardare la vita delle persone e costruire un futuro sostenibile per tutti. La priorità deve essere quella di rilanciare i colloqui a Ginevra come il primo passo verso un cessate il fuoco e un accordo di pace”.
La Caritas afferma che “il presunto uso di armi chimiche a Damasco ha evidenziato come la situazione umanitaria sia diventata catastrofica per milioni di persone in Siria. L' uso di armi chimiche è un crimine orribile”. Caritas condanna tutti gli attacchi contro i civili: “Secondo il diritto internazionale, i combattenti hanno il dovere di proteggere le vite dei civili”. La comunità internazionale – aggiunge la Caritas –“ha l'obbligo di trovare una fine alle sofferenze del popolo siriano, e questo si può realizzare solo attraverso un ampio dialogo”.
Intanto Caritas Siria e altri partner della Chiesa continuano a fornire assistenza umanitaria a migliaia di cittadini e rifugiati siriani, senza alcuna discriminazione per etnia, credo religioso o politico. Mons. Antoine Audo, Arcivescovo caldeo di Aleppo e presidente di Caritas Siria, ha detto: “Ci auguriamo che l'appello di Papa Francesco per un autentico dialogo tra le parti in conflitto possa essere un primo passo per fermare i combattimenti”. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 31/08/2013)
Siria: Putin, Usa portino prove a Onu
"Insensate le accuse contro Damasco su armi chimiche"
Siria. Putin a Obama, premio Nobel Pace pensi a future vittime
Ecco perché la «portaerei» Italia
alla fine sarà coinvolta con le basi
Siria: Iran, attacco Usa provochera' reazioni anche in altri Paesi
Papa con re Giordania,appello pace Siria
Negoziato unica opzione fine conflitto
(ANSA) - CITTA' DEL VATICANO, 29 AGO - Papa Francesco e il re di Giordania, nel corso dell'udienza privata oggi in Vaticano, hanno riservato "speciale attenzione alla tragica situazione in cui versa la Siria". "E' stato riaffermato che la via del dialogo e della negoziazione fra tutti i componenti della società siriana, con il sostegno della comunità internazionale, è l'unica opzione per porre fine al conflitto".
Sull'orlo della terza guerra mondiale. La nostra rassegna stampa.
WikiLeaks: dal 2006 gli Usa
pronti a destabilizzare Assad
Il copione maledetto è già scritto
e non lascia ben sperare

Cientos de personas protestan en Sol contra la intervención en Siria / Fotografía: Juan Luis Fernández
Cientos de personas se concentran en Sol contra una "guerra imperialista" en Siria
Siria, da basi Cipro non partirà attacco
Ministro degli esteri, abbiamo avuto garanzie da Londra
Siria: maggioranza dei francesi non vuole intervento armato
Hands off Syria protesters in Ukraine
Is people willing to take part on a War?
Siria, venti di guerra ma anche manifestazioni pacifiste
Siria, "serve Conferenza per la pace"
Il Consiglio federale sostiene la soluzione politica
Contro la guerra in Siria.
«Questo dunque è il problema che vi presentiamo, netto, terribile e inevitabile: dobbiamo porre fine alla razza umana oppure l'umanità dovrà rinunciare alla guerra?»Lo scrivevano Bertrand Russell e Albert Einstein nel 1955.
Sono passati quasi sessant’anni, ma l’umanità non ha ancora rinunciato alla guerra. Anzi, ancora una volta, viene presentata come l’unica opzione possibile per mettere fine a un conflitto.
Non lo è. L’abbiamo visto con i nostri occhi in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Libia: le guerre “per la pace” hanno solo alimentato altra violenza e in questi Paesi i civili continuano a morire, ogni giorno.
Ai morti già causati dalla guerra in Siria se ne aggiungeranno altri, perché scegliere le armi oggi significa decidere sempre, consapevolmente, di colpire la popolazione civile: nei conflitti contemporanei il 90% delle vittime sono sempre bambini, donne e uomini inermi.
Centinaia di migliaia di persone hanno già abbandonato la Siria per cercare rifugio nei Paesi vicini. Li abbiamo incontrati anche in Sicilia, dove i nostri medici stanno garantendo le prime cure ai profughi che stanno sbarcando sulle coste di Siracusa.
In tutti questi anni abbiamo visto che la guerra è sempre l’opzione più disumana, e inutile.
Chiediamo che l’Italia rifiuti l’intervento armato e si impegni invece per chiedere alla comunità degli Stati l’immediato intervento diplomatico, l’unica soluzione ammissibile secondo il diritto internazionale, l’unica in grado di costruire un processo di pace che abbia come primo obiettivo la tutela della popolazione siriana, già vittima della guerra civile.
L’umanità può ancora decidere di rinunciare alla guerra: difendere e praticare i diritti umani fondamentali è l’unico modo per costruire le basi per una convivenza pacifica tra i popoli.
Gino Strada
Rasmussen: La OTAN no va a participar en una intervención militar en el conflicto de Siria
El secretario general de la OTAN, Anders Fogh Rasmussen ha declarado que la alianza internacional no va a participar en una intervención militar en el conflicto de Siria, según el periódico danés 'Politiken'. Si bien el jefe de la OTAN dijo estar convencido de que quienes usaron las armas químicas en Siria fueron las fuerzas del gobierno, lo que –subraya- supone "un crimen que no puede ser ignorado", aclaró que la OTAN no participará en ninguna acción militar contra Siria. "No veo a la OTAN jugando ningún papel en la respuesta internacional al régimen sirio", cita al alto cargo el diario danés ‘Politiken’. El Secretario de Estado de EE.UU., John Kerry, hará una declaración acerca de la situación en Siria a las 16.30 GMT, indicó hoy el Gobierno estadounidense. La comparecencia de Kerry se produce mientras crecen las especulaciones acerca de un ataque militar de Washington contra Siria por el supuesto de armas químicas.
Molti dei conservatori che hanno votato contro l’attacco in Siria non sono pacifisti, ma ex militari
Spulciando fra le biografie dei parlamentari che hanno messo in minoranza Cameron, si scopre che alcuni di loro hanno un passato nell’esercito.L’Inghilterra ha detto no alla guerra in Siria. Il parlamento inglese ha infatti bocciato, con 285 voti contrari e 272 favorevoli, il premier David Cameron in un voto preliminare sull’intervento militare a fianco di Stati Uniti e Francia. È successo a poco più di dieci anni di distanza dalla votazione che allora diede il via libera all’azione militare in Iraq. Determinanti per l’esito sono stati 29 parlamentari conservatori e 7 Lib Dem (il Daily Mirror riporta sul suo sito l’elenco completo dei nominativi).I MILITARI HANNO DETTO NO. Tra i “Tories” dissenzienti ci sono parlamentari che hanno un passato nell’esercito. Steve Baker (nella foto) ha prestato servizio per anni come ingegnere nelle fila della Royal Air Force (Raf), la gloriosa aviazione britannica, viaggiando dall’Alaska a Hong Kong, passando per l’Egitto e l’Oman. Baker ha così motivato la sua scelta di opporsi alla guerra: «L’intervento delle forze armate non è mai “umanitario”. Ciò che serve è un cessate il fuoco, per quanto imperfetto possa essere, e una conferenza di pace. Questo è ciò per cui il governo dovrebbe impegnarsi, non in una guerra per punire. Le punizioni le infliggono i giudici contro gli individui, non le nazioni contro le nazioni».MEGLIO STARE FUORI DALLA SIRIA. John Baron, che è entrato nell’esercito nel 1984 come fuciliere prestando servizio a Berlino, in Irlanda del Nord e, da ultimo, a Cipro con le Nazioni Unite fino al 1988, saluta con soddisfazione la scampata partecipazione a un bombardamento areo sulla Siria: «Le decisioni chiave di politica estera sono più importanti della politica di partito. Al Numero 10 (di Downing Street, dove risiede il primo ministro inglese, ndr) hanno fatto male i conti. E, come è in ogni “special relationship”, i buoni amici si dicono l’un l’altro quando uno di loro sta sbagliando».Baron ha poi aggiunto: «A nessuna delle nostre domande sollevate in merito alla legittimità o meno di un intervento senza l’adozione di una risoluzione da parte delle Nazioni Unite e agli obiettivi militari è stata data risposta. Molti di noi, inoltre, sono preoccupati da una possibile escalation del conflitto oltre i confini siriani. Questa è una feroce guerra civile dove atrocità sono state commesse da ambo le parti», regime di Assad e ribelli. Baron è convinto che molto di più in termini umanitari può essere fatto per sostenere l’opera dei campi profughi.UNA GUERRA CIVILE IN PIENA REGOLA. Crispin Blunt ha prestato i suoi servigi per undici anni dal 1979 al 1990 nel 13° e 18° battaglione dei Royal Hussars (Queen Mary’s Own) fino a diventare capitano ed è anch’egli convinto che «è l’evidenza a mostrare che un intervento potrebbe causare un peggioramento della situazione» in Siria.
E non è l’unico: anche David Davies e Philippe Hollobone, che hanno anch’essi un passato nell’esercito come volontari, la pensano così. Mentre Jason McCarteny (nella foto a destra) è stato ufficiale della Raf a Las Vegas, Turchia, Gibilterra, Germania, Cipro e da ultimo in Iraq. I militari, inoltre, non dimostrano di essere convinti nemmeno dal presunto rinvenimento di armi chimiche. Sempre Baker si domanda: «Sicuramente la presenza di armi chimiche sarebbe una “oscenità morale”, ma i cecchini che sparano sui bambini forse non lo sono? La Siria non è soltanto una tirannia che opprime una popolazione soggiogata. Ma una guerra civile in piena regola».ATTENZIONE AD AL QAEDA. Julian Lewis, che non ha un passato nell’esercito, mette in luce una preoccupazione condivisa da chi si è opposto alla guerra: «Sarebbe assolutamente contrario all’interesse nazionale un nostro impegno nella trasformazione dell’ennesima dittatura araba in un altro regime sotto controllo islamista, soprattuto per via della presenza in numero considerevole di attivisti affiliati ad Al Qaeda nel cuore dell’opposizione» ad Assad.
In questi giorni ha parlato anche Andrew Turner, parlamentare dell’Isola di Wight: «La Siria è un acciarino che qualsiasi scintilla può fare esplodere». Un pensiero che aveva espresso già dieci anni fa, quando fu uno dei quindici conservatori ad opporsi all’intervento militare in Iraq.
Syria 'This is why we have a parliament'
Questo non è un appello. Non è una petizione. Non raccogliamo firme, né cerchiamo consensi. Vogliamo solo offrire qualche spunto di riflessione per il dibattito che si sta sviluppando al seguito dei “venti di guerra” che provengono dallo scenario internazionale
Siria, Legambiente dice no alla guerra. La pace passa dal cessate il fuoco immediato
Siria, Movimento non violento: “No all’intervento dell’Italia”

CONFIRMED: US Claims Against Syria - There is no Evidence
CONFIRMED: US Claims Against Syria - There is no Evidence
August 28, 2013 (Tony Cartalucci) - The Wall Street Journal has confirmed what many suspected, that the West's so-called "evidence" of the latest alleged "chemical attacks" in Syria, pinned on the Syrian government are fabrications spun up from the West's own dubious intelligence agencies.
The Wall Street Journal reveals that the US is citing claims from Israel's Mossad intelligence agency fed to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a repeat of the fabrications that led up to the Iraq War, the Libyan War, and have been used now for 3 years to justify continued support of extremists operating within and along Syria's borders.
Wall Street Journal's article, "U.S., Allies Prepare to Act as Syria Intelligence Mounts," states:
One crucial piece of the emerging case came from Israeli spy services, which provided the Central Intelligence Agency with intelligence from inside an elite special Syrian unit that oversees Mr. Assad's chemical weapons, Arab diplomats said. The intelligence, which the CIA was able to verify, showed that certain types of chemical weapons were moved in advance to the same Damascus suburbs where the attack allegedly took place a week ago, Arab diplomats said.
Both Mossad and the CIA are clearly compromised in terms of objectivity and legitimacy. Neither exists nor is expected to provide impartial evidence, but rather to facilitate by all means necessary the self-serving agendas, interests, and objectives of their respective governments.
That both Israel and the United States, as far back as 2007 have openly conspired together to overthrow the government of Syria through a carefully engineered sectarian bloodbath, discredits entirely their respective intelligence agencies. This is precisely why an impartial, objective third-party investigation has been called for by the international community and agreed upon by the Syrian government - a third-party investigation the US has now urged to be canceled ahead of its planned military strikes.
The Wall Street Journal reports:
In an email on Sunday, White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice told U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power and other top officials that the U.N. mission was pointless because the chemical weapons evidence already was conclusive, officials said. The U.S. privately urged the U.N. to pull the inspectors out, setting the stage for President Barack Obama to possibly move forward with a military response, officials said.
The US then, not Syria, is attempting a coverup, with fabrications in place from discredited, compromised intelligence sources and the threat of impending military strikes that would endanger the UN inspection team's safety should they fail to end their investigation and withdraw.
The Wall Street Journal also reiterated that the US is planning to fully sidestep the UN Security Council and proceed with its partners unilaterally:
...if the U.S. chose to strike, it would do so with allies and without the U.N., in order to sidestep an expected Russian veto.
The US proceeds now with absolute disregard for international law, all but declaring it has no intention of providing credible evidence of its accusations against the Syrian government. It is a rush to war with all the hallmarks of dangerous desperation as the West's proxy forces collapse before the Syrian military. Western military leaders must consider the strategic tenants and historical examples regarding the dangers and folly of haste and imprudence in war - especially war fought to protect special interests and political agendas rather than to defend territory.
The populations of the West must likewise consider what benefits they have garnered from the last decade of military conquest their leaders have indulged in. Crumbling economies gutted to feed the preservation of special interests and the growing domestic security apparatuses to keep these interests safe from both domestic and foreign dissent are problems that will only grow more acute.
Outside of the West, in Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran, leaders must consider a future where Western special interests can invade with impunity, without public support, or even the tenuous semblance of justification being necessary.
SYRIA: Mother Agnes Mariam exposes western funded Terrorism in Syria ( video )
28 agosto, 2013
Another false flag operation, history repeating itself
MEDIA WORKGROUP SYRIA – 28 August 2013 – On Wednesday 21st of August the world received the news that a chemical attack had been launched in Damascus countryside with, numbers and facts varying hugely according to the source, 300 to 1300 victims counting. A large part of them women and children. The United States, United Kingdom, France and their allies backed up by the Western media was quick to blame, without any investigation or proof, the Syrian government of carrying out this attack. Warning that a red line had been crossed and that military action was on the table to “punish the Syrian government”. Taking into account the international context of hostility towards Syria, it is easy to understand why the Western governments and their regional allies were jumping within hours on the carriage of false accusations, accusing the Syrian government and hence opening a window of opportunity to launch a military strike as they have done before in Iraq, Libya and in other places at different times all over the world. But it is more hardly to understand how established media organisations with a reputation on the national and international level are acting in such an unprofessional way as to blindly follow their political leaders in their reporting and criticism, or lack of, without any journalistic investigation or ethics and professionalism applied. The Syrian stance The Syrian government has repeatedly and unambiguously stated that it would never use weapons of mass destruction, if such weapons exist in Syria, against its own population. Not only because it makes no strategic sense but because of the unethical nature of the use of these kind of weapons by any government against its own population. The Syrian government also immediately called for an international and scientific investigation backed by the United Nations of the facts and accusations towards it proving that is has nothing to hide. No military strategic logic in the use of weapons of mass destruction The Syrian national army has for the last couple of months been on the offensive and made huge gains on the battle field against the terrorist groups and foreign infiltrators all over the country. The Syrian army also made huge progress in Damascus countryside and the Eastern Ghouta and cleared large parts of it from these terrorist groups. From a military point of view it makes no sense to use weapons of mass destruction because the Syrian army proved for the last two years and a half that it doesn’t have to use such weapons to successfully counter the aggression against it and the use of chemical weapons in such an environment would not only affect the civilian population but would also endanger its own troops.Political suicide The Syrian government repeatedly stated that it would never use such weapons, if they exist, against its own population. The Syrian government also backed any international initiative to find a political way out of the crisis. It gave its full support for the Geneva II Conference while the foreign opposition in the same time boycotted participation in this Conference as well as every other political initiative to find a peaceful way out of the crisis. It is in this context of political goodwill and constructiveness that the Syrian government got the backing and support of many countries, not the least Russia and China, both permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. If, hypothetically speaking, the Syrian government would act against its own principles on which its international relations are build on, it would immediately lose this support and commit political suicide. So also from a political point of view it makes no sense at all to even think that the Syrian government would use weapons of mass destruction against its own population.The timing : Visit of UN chemical weapons inspectors team to Damascus It is of course no coincidence that the current crisis coincides with the visit of a UN chemical weapons inspectors team to Damascus as the whole world’s attention is now focused on Syria. The team of inspectors arrived in Syria to investigate another incident involving chemical weapons, the chemical weapons strike in the village of Khan al-Assal near Aleppo on March 19 in which dozens of people were killed. Also in this attack unfounded and baseless accusations were directed against the Syrian government without any investigations being made. Turning the situation into a window of opportunity, the Syrian government made use of the visit of the chemical weapons inspectors team and, in an expression of openness and goodwill, agreed immediately to let the inspectors visit the site of the attack to make the necessary investigations. Unfortunately, on their way to the site, the inspectors teams came under a fierce attack by snipers belonging to the terrorists groups and had to return to their hotel in Damascus. These acts of violence and hostilities make it very clear which side wants to sabotage the work of the inspection team and has things to hide. Despite being under attack by terrorist snipers the inspectors could still take samples and made interviews with local people about the events which took place and they will make another attempt to reach the site today, Wednesday August 28. Iraq revisited and other False Flag operations Within hours after the attack, without any investigation or inspection being made, the U.S. government and its British and French allies bragged that they had undeniable evidence that the attack was carried out by the Syrian national army and that the Syrian government “should be punished” for it and… faced with Russian and Chinese warnings about the illegality of conducting once again a military attack against another country without a U.N.-mandate, the U.S., British and French governments were quick to respond that they would attack even without any U.N.-mandate. This is of course nothing new as recent American history is dotted by examples of false flag operations, downright lies and distortion of reality to carry out their political plans and military adventures. The world witnessed how the American government lied about the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction to condone the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the following regime change. And, more recently, we could again witness how the United States misled and misused the United Nations when the American government used Resolution 1973 (the establishment of a no-fly zone and the use of “all means necessary” to protect civilians within Libya) to carry out regime change in Libya. These examples show how total disregard and lack of respect for international law and rules characterise American foreign policy and that we can expect anything from a Nation who position itself out of any legal framework or international diplomatic norms. Kris Janssen.Belgium.
L'ex agente Cia: le bugie sulle armi chimiche servono a preparare l'intervento USA
An Appeal Against Attacking Syria
An Appeal Against Attacking Syria Monday, 26 August 2013, 2:30 pm
Column: War Is A Crime An Appeal Against Attacking Syria
Mairead Maguire, Nobel peace laureate, today appealed to the Rt. Hon. William Hague, British Foreign Minister, and M. Laurent Fabius, French Foreign Minister, to stop calling for military action against Syria which, she said, will only lead the Middle East into even more violence and bloodshed for its people.
Maguire said:Arming rebels and authorizing military action by USA/NATO forces will not solve the problem facing Syria, but indeed could lead to the death of thousands of Syrians, the breaking-up of Syria, and it falling under the control of violent fundamentalist jihadist forces. It will mean the further fleeing of Syrians into surrounding countries which will themselves become destabilised. The entire Middle East will become unstable and violence will spiral out of control.Contrary to some foreign governments current policies of arming the rebels and pushing for military intervention, the people of Syria are calling out for peace and reconciliation and a political solution to the crisis, which continues to be enflamed by outside forces with thousands of foreign fighters funded and supported by outside countries for their own political ends.Having visited Syria in May, 2013, after leading a 16 person delegation I returned convinced that the civil community, with groups such as Mussalaha, who are working on the ground building peace and reconciliation, can solve their own problems if their plea for outsiders to remain out of the conflict is honoured by the international community.During our visit we met with all sections of the community, most of whom are sick of violence and death and want peace and reconciliation and a political solution. We met with the Syrian Prime Minister and 7 other government ministers, and we were assured that the Government did not use sarin gas on its own people, and they invited the UN to send in inspectors to see what was happening.Currently there is an International Commission of Inquiry on Chemical Weapons in Damascus staying at Four Seasons Hotel, which is less than ten minutes from the areas where the chemical weapons were allegedly used. The western media, particularly vocal being the British and French Foreign Ministers, are accusing President Assad of using chemical weapons on his own people but have no proof of this accusation, rather some things point to rebels as the ones who used such weapons.The question must be asked, what would it benefit Assad to use sarin gas in the vicinity of visiting international UN inspectors and in his own environment and neighbourhood where it would affect his soldiers, etc., personally, I do not believe the latest accusations against the Assad government using sarin gas, and in order that the world can hear the truth, I would appeal to the International Commission of Inquiry to go into the areas in question immediately and report as quickly as possible. In the meantime I appeal to the Foreign Ministers of Britain and France to encourage, as the Syrian people wish, dialogue and negotiation as a way forward. We all remember the fear, panic and lies spun by the British and American governments, and others that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and it was not true. Let us learn the lesson of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya where so many millions have been killed in invasions and war, and many continue to die in violence. Violence is not the answer, let’s end this ‘war on terror’ and give nonviolence and peace a chance.Report and Appeal to the International community to support a process of dialogue and reconciliation in Syria between its people and Syrian government and reject outside intervention and war.BY Mairead Maguire, Nobel peace laureate. Spokesperson for Mussalaha International
Peace delegation to Lebanon/Syria l-llth May, 2013,
After a 10 days visit to Lebanon and Syria, leading a 16 person delegation from 8 countries, invited by Mussalaha Reconciliation Movement, I have returned hopeful that peace is possible in Syria, if all outside interference is stopped and the Syrians are allowed to solve their own problems upholding their right to self-determination.An appeal to end all violence and for Syrians to be left alone from outside interference was made by all those we met during our visit to Syria. We have tried to forward it to the International community in our Concluding Declaration(l).During our visit we went to refugee camps, affected communities, met religious leaders, combatants, government representatives, opposition delegations and many others, perpetrators and victims, in Lebanon and Syria.1. Visits to refugee camps: In Lebanon we visited several refugee camps, hosted by Lebanese or Palestinian communities. One Woman said: "before this conflict started we were happy and had a good life (there is free education, free healthcare, subsidies for fuel, in Syria ,) and now we live in poverty". Her daughter and son-in-law (a pharmacist and engineer) standing on a cement floor in a Palestinian refugee camp, with not even a mattress, told us that this violence had erupted to everyone surprise’s and spread so quickly they were all still in shock, but when well armed, foreign fighters came to Homs, they took over their homes, raped their women, and killed young males who refused to join their ranks, so the people fled in terror. They said that these foreign fighters were from many countries like Libyans, Saudis, Tunisians, Chechens, Afghanis, Pakistanis, Emiratis, Lebanese, Jordanians, Turkish, Europeans, Australian, and these gangs are financed and trained by foreign governments. They attach suicide vests around peoples’ bodies and threaten to explode them if they don’t do what they are told. One refugee woman asked me ‘when can we go home’? (To my great delighted a few days later in Damascus I met a woman working on a government programme which is helping refugees to return to Syria and over 200 have returned to date).Religious and government leaders have called upon people not to flee Syria and it is to be hoped many will heed this call, as after seeing so many Syrian refugees living in tents and being exploited in so many ways, including sexually, I believe the best solution is the stability of Syria so its people feel safe enough to stay in Syria. If refugees continue to flee Syria then surrounding countries could be destabilized, causing the domino effect and destabilizing the entire Middle East.Many people have fled into camps in surrounding countries like Turkey, Jordan or Lebanon, all of whom are trying to manage the huge influx of Syrian refugees. Although the host countries are doing their best to cope they are overwhelmed by refugee numbers. (UNHCR’s official figure of refugees is one million). Through our meetings we have been informed that Turkey invites Syrian refugees into the country and forbid them to go back home. It is documented that Syrian refugees in Turkey and Jordan are mistreated. Some young Syrian refugee girls are sold for forced marriage in Jordan. From OHCHR reports we know that more than 4 million Syrians are displaced inside their own country, living in great need.A representative from Red Cross, told us that there is freedom to do their work throughout Syria for all NGO and the Syrian Red crescent in co-ordination with the Ministry of Social affairs and under such dire circumstances, they are doing their best, providing services to as many people as possible. However there is a great shortage of funds for them to cope with this humanitarian tragedy of refugees and internally displaced population. The economic sanctions, as in Iraq,are causing great hardship to many people and all those whom we met called for them to be lifted. Our delegation called for the lifting of these illegal US-led sanctions that target the Syrian Population for purely political reasons in order to achieve regime change.2- Hospitals: We visited the hospitals and saw many people injured by shootings, bombings, and armed attacks. A moderate Sunni Imam told me how he was abducted by jihadists, who tortured him, cut off his ear, tried to cut his throat, slicing his legs, and left him for dead. He said when he goes back to his mosque they will slaughter him. He told us "these men are foreign fighters, jihadists from foreign countries, well armed, well trained, with money, they are in our country to destroy it. They are not true Muslims but are religious extremist/fundamentalists terrorizing, abducting, killing our people". The government spokesman also confirmed that they have in detention captured foreign fighters from 29 countries, including Chechens, Iraqis, and many others. The Ministry of Health showed us a documentary on the terrible killings by Jihadists and the terror caused by these foreigners with the killing of medics and destruction of medical infrastructure of the Syrian State which has made it difficult to answer the needs of the population.3- Meeting with Opposition: Our delegation participated in an open forum with many representatives of internal opposition’s parties. One political opponent who was in prison 24 years under the Assad regime, and has been out for 11 years, wants political change with more than 20 other internal opposition components, but without outside interference and the use of violence. We met with ‘armed’ opposition people in a local community who said they had accepted the governments offer of amnesty and were working for a peaceful way forward. One man told me he had accepted money from Jihadists to fight but had been shocked by their cruelty and the way they treated fellow Syrian muslims considering them as not real Muslims. He said foreign Jihadists wanted to take over Syria, not save it. The 10th May a part of our delegation headed to Homs, invited by the opposition community of Al Waar city where displaced families from Baba Amro, Khalidiyeh and other rebel’s strongholds seek refuge. The Delegation saw all the conditions of this city and is studying a Pilot Project for Reconciliation and peaceful reintegration between this community and the surrounded non rebel communities (Shia and Alaouites) with whom 15 days ago an agreement of non belligerence has been signed through the auspices of Mussalaha.4 - Meeting with Officials: Our Delegation met, and spoke, at the Parliament, and also with the Governor, Prime Minister and 7 other Ministries. We were given details of the new Constitution and political reforms being put in place, and plans for elections in 2014. Government Ministers admitted that they had made mistakes in being slow to respond to legitimate demands for change from civil community but these were now being implemented. They told us when the conflict started it was peaceful for change but quickly turned into bloodshed when armed men killed many soldiers.
In the first days soldiers were unarmed but when people started asking for protection the government and military responded to defend the people and in self defence.When we enquired from the Prime Minister regarding the allegation that the Syrian Government had used Sarin gas, he told us that as soon as news came from Aleppo that allegedly gas had been used, his government invited immediately the UN to come into investigate, but heard nothing from them. Most recently however, a UN investigator, High Commissioner Carla Del Ponte, has confirmed that it was rebels, not Syrian government, who used Sarin gas. During meeting with Justice Minister, we requested that a list of 72 non-violent political dissidents currently detained be released. The justice Minister said after checking those listed were indeed non-violent political dissidents, he would, in principal, agree to the release of these nonviolent detainees. He also informed us they they do not implement the death penalty and it is hoped that when things settle in Syria they will move to have the death penalty abolished. We also asked the Justice Minister (an international lawyer) about Syrian Government’s Human rights abuses, namely the artillery shelling into no-go areas being held by jihadists and armed opposition. The Minister accepted those facts but alleged that the Government had a duty to clear these areas. We suggested there was a better way to deal with the problem than artillery shelling but he insisted that the government had responsibility to clear the areas of rebel forces and this was the way in which they were doing it The Ministers and Governor said that President Assad was their President and has their support. There were many people we spoke to who expressed such sentiments. However, some young people said they support the opposition but in order to protect the Unity of Syria from outside destruction, they will support the government and President Assad, until the election next year and then they will vote for the opposition. They said the Doha Coalition in Qatar does not represent them and that no one outside Syria has a right to remove President Assad but the Syrian people through the elections next year. The journalists in Syria are in great danger from the religious extremist/fundamentals,and during my visit to a television station a young journalist told me how his mother was killed by jihadists and he showed me his arm where he had been shot and almost killed.5- Meeting with religious leaders: We attended in the Omayyad Mosque in Damascus a prayer gathering led by the Grand Mufti of the Syrian Arab Republic, Dr. Ahmad Badr Al-Din Hassoun and the Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregory III Laham with the delegate of Greek Orthodox Patriarch John X Yazigi, and clerics of all traditions. The Assembly prayed for the peace and unity of Syria and the non-interference of outsiders in their country. They stressed the conflict in Syria is not a religious conflict, as Muslims and Christians have always lived together in Syria, and they are,(in spite of living with suffering and violence much of which is not of their own making), unified in their wish to be a light of peace and reconciliation to the world. The Patriarch said that from the Mosque and Christian churches goes out a great movement of peace and reconciliation and asked both those inside and outside Syria, to reject all violence and support the people of Syria in this work of dialogue, reconciliation and peacemaking.The Muslim and Christian Spiritual Leaders are very conscious if the religious extremist/fundamentalists gain momentum and control Syria, the future of those who are not supportive of fundamentalists like moderate Muslims, Christians, minorities, and other Syrians is in great danger. Indeed the Middle East could loose its precious pluralistic social fabric with the Christians, like in Iraq, being the first to flee the country. This would be a tragedy for all concerned in this multi-religious, multi-cultural secular Syria, once a light of peaceful conviviality in the Arab world.AN OVERVIEW:
Following many authorized reports in the mainstream Medias and our own evidences I can stress that the Syrian State and its population are under a proxy war led by foreign countries and directly financed and backed mainly by Qatar who has imposed its views on the Arab League. Turkey, a part of the Lebanese opposition and some of the Jordan authorities offer a safe haven to a diversity of jihadist groups, each with its own agenda, recruited from many countries. Bands of jihadists armed and financed from foreign countries invade Syria through Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon porous frontiers in an effort to destabilize Syria. There are an estimated 50,000 foreign jihadist fighters terrorizing Syria. Those death squads are destroying systematically the Syrian State infrastructures (Electricity, Oil, Gas and water plants, High Tension Pylons, hospitals, schools, public buildings, cultural heritage sites and even religious sanctuaries). Moreover the country is submerged by snipers, bombers, agitators, bandits. They use aggression and Sharia rules and hijack the freedom and dignity of the Syrian population. They torture and kill those who refuse to join them. They have strange religious beliefs which make them feel comfortable even perpetrating the cruelest acts like killing and torture of their opponents. It is well documented that many of those terrorists are permanently under stimulant like Captagon. The general lack of security unlashes the terrible phenomenon of abduction for ransoms or for political pressure. Thousands of innocents are missing, among them the two Bishops, Youhanna Ibrahim and Paul Yazigi, many priests and Imams.UN and EU economic sanctions as well as a severe embargo are pushing Syria to the edge of social collapse. Unfortunately the international media network is ignoring those realities and is bent on demonizing, lying, destabilizing the country and fuelling more violence and contradiction.In summary: the war in Syria is not as depicted a civil war but a proxy war with serious breaches of International laws and the Humanitarian International laws.. The protection of the foreign fighters by some foreign countries among the most powerful gives them a kind of an unaccountability that pushes them with impunity to all kind of cruel deeds against innocent civilians. Even war conventions are not respected incurring in many war crimes and, even, crimes against Humanity.CONCLUSION:
During our visit to Syria, our delegation was met with great kindness by everyone and I offer to each one who facilitated or hosted our Delegation my most sincere feelings of gratitude. We witnessed that the Syrian people have suffered very deeply and continue to do so. The entire population of 23 million people are under tremendous threat of continued infiltration by foreign terrorists. Many are still stunned by the horrors and suddenness of all this violence and worried their country will be attacked and divided by outside forces, and are all too aware that geopolitical forces are at work to destabilize Syria for political control, oil and resources. One Druze leader said ‘if westerns want our Oil – both Lebanon and Syria have oil reserves – let us negotiate for it, but do not destroy our country to take it’. In Syria memories of next door Iraq’s destruction by US/UK/NATO forces are fresh in people's minds, including in the minds of the one and a half million Iraqis who fled Iraqi’s conflict, including many Christians, and were given refuge in Syria by the Syrian Government.The greatest hope we took was from Mussalaha, a non political movement from all sections of Syrian society, who have working teams throughout Syria and is proceeding through dialogue to building peace and reconciliation. Mussalaha mediates between armed gunmen and security forces, help get release of many people who have been abducted, and bring together all parties to the conflict for dialogue and practical solutions. It was this movement who hosted us, under the leadership of Mother Agnes-Mariam, Superior of Saint James’ Monastery, supported by the Patriarch Gregory III Laham, head of the Catholic Hierarchy of Syria.This great civil community movement building a peace process and National Reconciliation from the ground up, will, if given space, time, and non-interference from outside, help bring Peace to Syria. They recognize that there must be an unconditional, all inclusive political solution, with compromises and they are confident this is happening at many levels of society and is the only way forward for Syrian peace.I support this National Reconciliation process which, many Syrian believe, is the only way to bring Peace to SYRIA and the entire Middle East. I am myself committed to this peaceful process and hope that the International Community, the Religious and Political Leaders as well as any person of good will will help Syria to bypass violence and prejudice and anchor in a new era of Social peace and prosperity. This cradle of civilizations where Syria occupies the heart is an enormous spiritual heritage for humanity, let us strive to establish a non war zone and proclaim it an OASIS of Peace for the Human Family.
After a 10 days visit to Lebanon and Syria, leading a 16 person delegation from 8 countries, invited by Mussalaha Reconciliation Movement, I have returned hopeful that peace is possible in Syria, if all outside interference is stopped and the Syrians are allowed to solve their own problems upholding their right to self-determination.

An appeal to end all violence and for Syrians to be left alone from outside interference was made by all those we met during our visit to Syria. We have tried to forward it to the International community in our Concluding Declaration(l).
During our visit we went to refugee camps, affected communities, met religious leaders, combatants, government representatives, opposition delegations and many others, perpetrators and victims, in Lebanon and Syria.
1. Visits to refugee camps: In Lebanon we visited several refugee camps, hosted by Lebanese or Palestinian communities. One Woman said: “before this conflict started we were happy and had a good life (there is free education, free healthcare, subsidies for fuel, in Syria ,) and now we live in poverty”. Her daughter and son-in-law (a pharmacist and engineer) standing on a cement floor in a Palestinian refugee camp, with not even a mattress, told us that this violence had erupted to everyone surprise’s and spread so quickly they were all still in shock, but when well armed, foreign fighters came to Homs, they took over their homes, raped their women, and killed young males who refused to join their ranks, so the people fled in terror.They said that these foreign fighters were from many countries like Libyans, Saudis, Tunisians, Chechens, Afghanis, Pakistanis, Emiratis, Lebanese, Jordanians, Turkish, Europeans, Australian, and these gangs are financed and trained by foreign governments. They attach suicide vests around peoples’ bodies and threaten to explode them if they don’t do what they are told. One refugee woman asked me ‘when can we go home’? (To my great delighted a few days later in Damascus I met a woman working on a government programme which is helping refugees to return to Syria and over 200 have returned to date).
Religious and government leaders have called upon people not to flee Syria and it is to be hoped many will heed this call, as after seeing so many Syrian refugees living in tents and being exploited in so many ways, including sexually, I believe the best solution is the stability of Syria so its people feel safe enough to stay in Syria.If refugees continue to flee Syria then surrounding countries could be destabilized, causing the domino effect and destabilizing the entire Middle East.
Many people have fled into camps in surrounding countries like Turkey, Jordan or Lebanon, all of whom are trying to manage the huge influx of Syrian refugees. Although the host countries are doing their best to cope they are overwhelmed by refugee numbers. (UNHCR’s official figure of refugees is 1,5 millions).Through our meetings we have been informed that Turkey invites Syrian refugees into the country and forbid them to go back home. It is documented that Syrian refugees in Turkey and Jordan are mistreated. Some young Syrian refugee girls are sold for forced marriage in Jordan. From Ohchr reports we know that more than 4 million Syrians are displaced inside their own country, living in great need.
A representative from Red Cross, told us that there is freedom to do their work throughout Syria for all Ngo and the Syrian Red crescent in co-ordination with the Ministry of Social affairs and under such dire circumstances, they are doing their best, providing services to as many people as possible. However there is a great shortage of funds for them to cope with this humanitarian tragedy of refugees and internally displaced population. The economic sanctions, as in Iraq,are causing great hardship to many people and all those whom we met called for them to be lifted. Our delegation called for the lifting of these illegal US-led sanctions that target the Syrian Population for purely political reasons in order to achieve regime change.
2- Hospitals: We visited the hospitals and saw many people injured by shootings, bombings, and armed attacks. A moderate Sunni Imam told me how he was abducted by jihadists, who tortured him, cut off his ear, tried to cut his throat, slicing his legs, and left him for dead. He said when he goes back to his mosque they will slaughter him. He told us”these men are foreign fighters, jihadists from foreign countries, well armed, well trained, with money, they are in our country to destroy it. They are not true Muslims but are religious extremist/fundamentalists terrorizing, abducting, killing our people”. The government spokesman also confirmed that they have in detention captured foreign fighters from 29 countries, including Chechens, Iraqis, and many others.The Ministry of Health showed us a documentary on the terrible killings by Jihadists and the terror caused by theseforeigners with thekilling of medics and destruction of medical infrastructure of the Syrian State whichhas made it difficult to answer the needs of the population.
3- Meeting with Opposition: Our delegation participated in an open forum with many representatives of internal opposition’s parties. One political opponent who was in prison 24 years under the Assad (father) regime, and has been out for 11 years, wants political change with more than 20 other internal opposition components, but without outside interference and the use of violence. We met with ‘armed’ opposition people in a local community who said they had accepted the governments offer of amnesty and were working for a peaceful way forward. One man told me he had accepted money from Jihadists to fight but had been shocked by their cruelty and the way they treated fellow Syrian muslims considering them as not real Muslims. He said foreign Jihadists wanted to take over Syria, not save it.
The 10thMay a part of our delegation headed to Homs, invited by the opposition community of Al Waar city where displaced families from Baba Amro, Khalidiyeh and other rebel’s strongholds seek refuge. The Delegation saw all the conditions of this city and is studying a Pilot Project for Reconciliation and peaceful reintegration between this community and the surrounded non rebel communities (Shia and Alaouites) with whom 15 days ago an agreement of non belligerence has been signed through the auspices of Mussalaha.
4 – Meeting with Officials: Our Delegation met, and spoke, at the Parliament, and also with the Governor, Prime Minister and 7 other Ministries. We were given details of the new Constitution and political reforms being put in place, and plans for elections in 2014. Government Ministers admitted that they had made mistakes in being slow to respond to legitimate demands for change from civil community but these were now being implemented. They told us when the conflict started it was peaceful for change but quickly turned into bloodshed when armed men killed many soldiers.
In the first days soldiers were unarmed but when people started asking for protection the government and military responded to defend the people and in self defence.
When we enquired from the Prime Minister regarding the allegation that the Syrian Government had used Sarin gas, he told us that as soon as news came from Aleppo that allegedly gas had been used, his government invited immediately the UN to come into investigate, but heard nothing from them. Most recently however, a UN investigator, High Commissioner Carla Del Ponte, has confirmed that it was rebels, not Syrian government, who used Sarin gas. During meeting with Justice Minister, we requested that a list of 72 non-violent political dissidents currently detained be released. The justice Ministersaid after checking those listed were indeed non-violent political dissidents, he would, in principal, agree to the release of these nonviolent detainees. He also informed us thatthey do not implement the death penalty and it is hoped that when things settle in Syria they will move to have the death penalty abolished. We also asked the Justice Minister (an international lawyer) about Syrian Government’s Human rights abuses, namely the artillery shelling into no-go areas being held by jihadists and armed opposition. The Minister accepted those facts but alleged that the Government had a duty to clear these areas. We suggested there was a better way to deal with the problem than artillery shelling but he insisted that the government had responsibility to clear the areas of rebel forces and this was the way in which they were doing it.
The Ministers and Governor said that President Assad was their President and has their support. There were many people we spoke to who expressed such sentiments. However, some young people said they support the opposition but in order to protect the Unity of Syria from outside destruction, they will support the government and President Assad, until the election next year and then they will vote for the opposition. They said the Doha Coalition in Qatar does not represent them and that no one outside Syria has a right to remove President Assad but the Syrian people through the elections next year. The journalists in Syria are in great danger from the religious extremist/fundamentals,and during my visit to a television station a young journalist told me how his mother was killed by jihadists and he showed me his arm where he had been shot and almost killed.
5- Meeting with religious leaders: We attended in the Omayyad Mosque in Damascus a prayer gathering led by the Grand Mufti of the Syrian Arab Republic, Dr. Ahmad Badr Al-Din Hassoun and the Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregory III Laham with the delegate of Greek Orthodox Patriarch John X Yazigi, and clerics of all traditions. The Assembly prayed for the peace and unity of Syria and the non-interference of outsiders in their country. They stressed the conflict in Syria is not a religious conflict, as Muslims and Christians have always lived together in Syria, and they are,(in spite of living with suffering and violence much of which is not of their own making), unified in their wish to be a light of peace and reconciliation to the world. The Patriarch said that from the Mosque and Christian churches goes out a great movement of peace and reconciliation and asked both those inside and outside Syria, to reject all violence and support the people of Syria in this work of dialogue, reconciliation and peacemaking.
The Muslim and Christian Spiritual Leaders are very conscious if the religious extremist/fundamentalists gain momentum and control Syria, the future of those who are not supportive of fundamentalists like moderate Muslims, Christians, minorities, and other Syrians is in great danger. Indeed the Middle East could loose its precious pluralistic social fabric with the Christians, like in Iraq, being the first to flee the country. This would be a tragedy for all concerned in this multi-religious, multi-cultural secular Syria, once a light of peaceful conviviality in the Arab world.
Following many authorized reports in the mainstream Medias and our own evidences I can stress that the Syrian State and its population are under a proxy war led by foreign countries and directly financed and backed mainly by Qatar who has imposed its views on the Arab League. Turkey, a part of the Lebanese opposition and some of the Jordan authorities offer a safe haven to a diversity of jihadist groups, each with its own agenda, recruited from many countries. Bands of jihadists armed and financed from foreign countries invade Syria through Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon porous frontiers in an effort to destabilize Syria. There are an estimated 50,000 foreign jihadist fighters terrorizing Syria.Those death squads are destroying systematically the Syrian State infrastructures (Electricity, Oil, Gas and water plants, High Tension Pylons, hospitals, schools, public buildings, cultural heritage sites and even religious sanctuaries). Moreover the country is submerged by snipers, bombers, agitators, bandits. They use aggression and Sharia rules and hijack the freedom and dignity of the Syrian population. They torture and kill those who refuse to join them. They have strange religious beliefs which make them feel comfortable even perpetrating the cruelest acts like killing and torture of their opponents. It is well documented that many of those terrorists are permanently under stimulant like Captagon. The general lack of security unlashes the terrible phenomenon of abduction for ransoms or for political pressure. Thousands of innocents are missing, among them the two Bishops, Youhanna Ibrahim and Paul Yazigi, many priests and Imams.
UN and EU economic sanctions as well as a severe embargo are pushing Syria to the edge of social collapse. Unfortunately the international media network is ignoring those realities and is bent on demonizing, lying, destabilizing the country and fueling more violence and contradiction.
In summary: the war in Syria is not as depicted a civil war but a proxy war with serious breaches of International laws and the Humanitarian International laws.. The protection of the foreign fighters by some foreign countries among the most powerful gives them a kind of an unaccountability that pushes them with impunity to all kind of cruel deeds against innocent civilians. Even war conventions are not respected incurring in many war crimes and, even, crimes against Humanity.
During our visit to Syria, our delegation was met with great kindness by everyone and I offer to each one who facilitated or hosted our Delegation my most sincere feelings of gratitude. We witnessed that the Syrian people have suffered very deeply and continue to do so. The entire population of 23 million people are under tremendous threat of continued infiltration by foreign terrorists. Many are still stunned by the horrors and suddenness of all this violence and worried their country will be attacked and divided by outside forces, and are all too aware that geopolitical forces are at work to destabilize Syria for political control, oil and resources. One Druze leader said ‘if westerns want our Oil – both Lebanon and Syria have oil reserves – let us negotiate for it, but do not destroy our country to take it’. In Syria memories of next door Iraq’s destruction by US/UK/NATO forces are fresh in people’s minds, including in the minds of the one and a half million Iraqis who fled Iraqi’s conflict, including many Christians, and were given refuge in Syria by the Syrian Government.
The greatest hope we took was from Mussalaha, a non political movement from all sections of Syrian society, who have working teams throughout Syria and is proceeding through dialogue to building peace and reconciliation. Mussalaha mediates between armed gunmen and security forces, help get release of many people who have been abducted, and bring together all parties to the conflict for dialogue and practical solutions. It was this movement who hosted us, under the leadership of Mother Agnes-Mariam, Superior of Saint James’ Monastery, supported by the Patriarch Gregory III Laham, head of the Catholic Hierarchy of Syria.
This great civil community movement building a peace process and National Reconciliation from the ground up, will, if given space, time, and non-interference from outside, help bring Peace to Syria. They recognize that there must be an unconditional, all inclusive political solution, with compromises and they are confident this is happening at many levels of society and is the only way forward for Syrian peace.
I support this National Reconciliation process which, many Syrians believe, is the only way to bring Peace to SYRIA and the entire Middle East. I am myself committed to this peaceful process and hope that the International Community, the Religious and Political Leaders as well as any person of good will help Syria to bypass violence and prejudice and anchor in a new era of Social peace and prosperity. This cradle of civilizations where Syria occupies the heart is an enormous spiritual heritage for humanity, let us strive to establish a non war zone and proclaim it an OASIS of Peace for the Human Family.
Nobel peace laureate
28/08/13 SIRIA NO WAR
La Fdif/Widf contro i mercanti di sangue siriano La Federazione Democratica Internazionale delle Donne (WIDF) in un comunicato condanna “l’orrendo massacro premeditato, avvenuto nel sobborgo di Damasco in Siria tra il 20 e il 21 agosto” e richiama l’attenzione sulla “campagna mediatica orchestrata dall’Arabia Saudita per incriminare il governo siriano con l’evidente intenzione di indurre l’opinione pubblica a sostenere l'intervento straniero degli Stati Uniti e dei loro alleati del Golfo Persico nei confronti di un paese che si è rivelato resistente alle interferenze dei Signori della Guerra. Un tentativo senza scrupoli di ripetere la storia recente dell'Iraq.” “Il Vaticano stesso –aggiunge il comunicato - ha chiesto attraverso il suo portavoce cautela sulle accuse infondate e, secondo fonti internazionali, il rifiuto del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite di condannare il governo della Siria deriva da prove documentali e foto presentate dalla Russia che mostrano un coinvolgimento diretto di una fazione radicale islamica mascherata sotto l'Islam e sotto la tutela dei cosiddetti rivoluzionari della morte". ”Chiediamo ai giornalisti e analisti politici – conclude il comunicato - che hanno a cuore l'Etica e la Verità di non sottomettersi acriticamente alla parzialità delle fonti, alle agenzie di stampa che si dimostrano veicoli servili come Aljazeera del Qatar e Al-Arabya dell’Arabia Saudita ed i loro ripetitori globali. La crisi in Siria va risolta tra siriani e senza le interferenze straniere di Stati Uniti, Turchia, Arabia Saudita, Qatar, Israele e loro alleati sudditi che di gran lunga dimenticano i valori delle loro democrazie e del mondo libero risuscitando quelli storici del colonialismo e imperialismo ottomano e occidentale”.
Three times more Americans supported US involvement in Vietnam at war’s lowest ebbAMERICANS’ 91% OPPOSITION TO SYRIAN WAR INSIGNIFICANT TO TECHNOCRATS
Agresión a Siria: el fraude, 12 objetivos y 8 consecuencias
Agresión a Siria: el fraude, 12 objetivos y 8 consecuencias
01 sep 2013¡Ah, vergüenza! ¿Y tú rubor? (Hamlet, acto III)
Los dirigentes de los mismos países que han matado a cientos de miles de inocentes con sus bombas de napalm, fósforo blanco, proyectiles de uranio empobrecido (Hijos del uranio), sustancias químicas desconocidas que causaron el Síndrome del Golfo, ahora derraman lágrimas de cocodrilo por la muerte de 350 sirios, víctimas al parecer de armas químicas, como si la muerte de 100.000 personas por armas convencionales y la huida de cinco millones de almas de sus hogares no fueran motivos para conmoverse.
¿Guerra de bandera falsa? ¿Es posible que los rebeldes hayan utilizado esas sustancias contra su propia gente y echar la culpa a Damasco? El régimen de Barack Obama, antes de una investigación seria, señaló al gobierno de Bachar Al Asad, a pesar de que los propios insurgentes han reconocido su crimen a la periodista de Associated Press, Dale Gavlak: habían recibido esas sustancias de Arabia Saudí y fue un “accidente” por su mal manejo, dicen. El Gobierno iraní ha revelado que hace nueve meses avisó a Washington de que los insurgentes se habían hecho con dichas armas.
Por otra parte, Carla del Ponte, miembro de la Comisión de Investigación de la ONU sobre el uso de armas químicas en Siria, informó el 6 de mayo de que estos delincuentes habían usado gas sarín en el conflicto. En diciembre, opositores sirios habían sido detenidos en Turquía por la tenencia de dos kilos de gas sarín. ¿Cómo lo habían conseguido? Aun así, la ONU no hizo nada y EEUU y sus aliados, en vez de desmarcarse de estos criminales, aumentaron las ayudas económicas y militares que les prestan desde 2011 (La OTAN, a las puertas de Siria).
Obama había dictado el veredicto antes de recoger las pruebas; la decisión, ya tomada, sólo requería una gran excusa.
La prueba de la ‘casus belli’
Un vídeo borroso difundido por los opositores, sin comprobar siquiera la “cadena de custodia” de la cinta. Sorprende ver los cuerpos de niños en el suelo sin sus madres, y la no celebración de funerales públicos –tan importantes en la cultura musulmana–, la escasez de imágenes de lo que sería una carnicería, a pesar de la abundancia de móviles con cámara, comparando con la cantidad de fotos y grabaciones existentes de la matanza de los kurdos en Halabche hace 30 años y bajo la dictadura de Sadam Husein.
Han pasado 10 años desde que Colin Powell, armado con fotos y gráficos, apareció en la sede de la ONU y mientras sujetaba ¡sin guantes! un frasco con un polvo blanco juraba que era ántrax enviado por el rais iraquí. Escribió Nicholas Kristof del The New York Times que “el FBI sabe desde hace tres meses que el autor de los ataques de ántrax es un norteamericano”. Él y Bush acusaron en falso al presidente iraquí de estar implicado en los atentados del 11-S, de colaborar con Al Qaeda, de comprar uranio a Níger, de matar a bebés kuwaitíes en sus incubadoras… Hoy, sus herederos, John Kerry y Obama, presentan evidencias “innegables” de que las armas de destrucción masiva fueron disparadas por Asad. ¿Por qué no un alto el fuego y una investigación exhaustiva?
Recuerda Jean Daniel, editor de la revista Le Nouvel Observateur, que el 31 de agosto de 1995 el primer ministro francés Edouard Balladur le confesó que el atentado perpetrado en el Markale de Sarajevo, que dejó un centenar de víctimas, fue obra de los musulmanes bosnios y no de los serbios. Querían forzar así la intervención de la OTAN, justo cuando Milosevic había aceptado casi todas las exigencias de Occidente, poniendo en un aprieto a Bill Clinton, que planeaba destruir el último estado socialista en Europa (Yugoslavia: ensayo de la “guerra humanitaria”). No es tiempo de elecciones y un derrotado Obama echa mano a la guerra “preventiva”, ilegal, contraria a la Carta de la ONU, para que dejen de criticarle por “débil y aislacionista”.
Cui bono?
Asad no parece tan suicida ni estúpido como para cruzar “la línea roja”, matando a unos cientos de personas y provocando una guerra con EEUU, justo cuando gozaba de una cómoda ventaja sobre los rebeldes. El ataque de EEUU radicalizará a los sectores moderados de su Gobierno, que hasta hoy ni siquiera han respondido a cuatro bombardeos de Israel (en los últimos seis meses) a su territorio; ni tampoco disuadirá los futuros usos de estas armas por ambos bandos. Es más. Ahora que el jefe de la Casa Blanca afirma no tener la intención de derrocar a Asad, los insurgentes pueden volver a emplear dichas armas, para mostrar la necesidad de acabar con el presidente mediante una guerra devastadora.
Mantener a Asad en el poder es la misma estrategia del “caos controlado” de los Bush con Sadam Husein: le convirtieron en el coco, desde 1991 hasta 2003: militarizaron el Golfo Pérsico mientras convertían todo un Estado vertebrado en “fallido” y siguieron ocupando el espacio post-soviético con la falsa bandera de “lucha contra el terrorismo”.
Decenas de miles de mercenarios (lumpens y veteranos gangsters) reclutados por el jeque Bandar, el príncipe saudí, esperan dentro y fuera del país a que Obama apriete el gatillo, para convertirlo en un baño de sangre. Sólo desde Jordania 25.000 individuos han sido organizados por el jeque en la organización Seguidores del Islam.
Aún no se sabe cómo un ataque militar reduce el peligro del uso de esas armas. ¿Son los misiles cruceros y las bombas de todo tipo menos horrendos que las armas químicas? Al menos para éstas existen máscaras y refugios, pero no para artefactos como las bombas bunker-buster –usadas en Afganistán– que penetran hasta el corazón de la tierra.
Los 12 propósitos reales del ataque
La operación castigo a Asad tiene detrás otros objetivos:
1. Dominar Eurasia. Con más o menos fortuna, EEUU ha intentado hacerse con el control de Oriente Próximo, Asia central, Europa central y norte de África, mediante las guerras contra Irak, Afganistán, Yugoslavia y Libia. Ahora, siguiendo los consejos del estratega británico Sir Mackinder sobre la importancia de esta región –a la que llamó Heartland, o Corazón del Mundo– intenta contener el avance de China y de Rusia. Siria es el país que une a ambos continentes.
2. Controlar la totalidad del levante mediterráneo –también uno de los motivos para derrocar a Gadafi.
3. Impedir la construcción del mega-gaseoducto Irán-Irak-Siria (llamado “la tubería chiíta”), que cuenta con inversión ruso-iraní e iba a exportar el gas a Europa, ahora que ha fracasado el proyecto del otro gaseoducto (Naubucco: Europa esclava). Perjudicaba a Turquía, que dejaría de ser la ruta del tránsito de hidrocarburo y a Arabia Saudí, que ha invertido en el Arab Gas Pipeline, tubería que recorrería Egipto, Jordania, Siria, Líbano e Israel. Es tan primordial para Riad apoderarse de Siria que según el diario libanés As-Safir el jeque Bandar en su reciente encuentro con Putin le había insinuado que si retiraba su apoyo a Asad le garantizaría la seguridad de los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de Sochi (Rusia) del 2014, calmando a los chechenos. ¡En árabe y en ruso, esto suena a chantaje! Además, a los jeques les preocupa mucho el acercamiento de los “gigantes petroleros” Rusia y Venezuela. Una es la mayor productora y exportadora de petróleo del planeta y la otra, la primera reserva probada de crudo mundial. Está en peligro el poder de la Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo (OPEP), que llena el mercado de petróleo, además barato. No menosprecien a Arabia. Las principales instituciones financieras dependen de sus petrodólares.
4. Humillar a Rusia en su zona de influencia y mostrar al mundo su incapacidad de influir sobre los acontecimientos internacionales, en este que es el primer choque entre ambas potencias tras la Guerra Fría. Sergei Lavrov ya ha dicho que su país no va a pelear en Siria con EEUU, a pesar de que las empresas rusas han invertido unos 20.000 millones en este país y cerca de 100.000 rusos viven allí. Una cosa es acoger a Snowden y otra meterse en una guerra. Moscú intentará recuperar la influencia, tras perder a Siria, en otro lugar como Irán.
5. Destruir el ejército sirio, por sus vínculos con Rusia. EEUU hizo lo mismo con las fuerzas armadas de Irak y Libia. Así, reduce la influencia militar de los eslavos en el planeta.
6. Triunfar en el terreno bélico y controlar militarmente al mundo para recompensar el fracaso en lo económico. A grandes crisis económicas, grandes guerras. El capitalismo venderá más armas, tendrá nuevos mercados y creará oportunidades para las empresas constructoras hábiles en levantar lo derruido. Es otro asalto a las conquistas de los trabajadores de medio mundo, que pagarán con su vida o sus impuestos la aventura de cuatro cowboys. El aumento del pecio del petróleo, que afectará a todos los productos, dañará también la economía china.
7. Anular aún más a la ONU y echar abajo lo que queda de los sistemas legales que hacían de freno en las pretensiones belicistas.
8. Acorralar a Irán. La Agencia Atómica de la ONU acaba de informar de la instalación de 1.000 nuevas centrifugadoras en las plantas nucleares de éste país. China y Rusia creen que el objetivo del asalto a Siria es Irán. Teherán, muy prudente, sopesa los acontecimientos y desliga su suerte de la de su aliado. Le ayudará a través de Hizbolá y Yihad islámica. Su línea roja es la ocupación de Siria. Para la alegría de Tel Aviv y Riad, este ataque complica sus encuentros iniciados con EEUU.
9. Dar la imagen de seguir siendo la potencia hegemónica mundial, a través del “esquema Ponzi”, nombre de un estafador italiano que recaudaba grandes cantidades de dinero y, sin hacer nada, pagaba intereses a los inversores con el dinero de ellos mismos o de nuevas víctimas. Si su montaje duró varios años fue porque el número de ilusionados estafados no paraba de crecer. Decía Madeleine Albright que la existencia misma de la mayor maquinaria militar de la historia humana exige que se haga uso de ella. Misión convertida en el objetivo cuando, en realidad, EEUU no tiene ningún interés sustancial en este conflicto. Pero que nadie subestime el papel de la estupidez en la historia.
10. Inclinar la balanza en el conflicto sirio en favor de los rebeldes y conseguir ventajas en la mesa de negociaciones. De paso, y como una guerra dentro de una guerra que es, los wahabitas saudíes apartan a la Hermandad Musulmana (apoyada por Turquía y Qatar) y también a los al qaedistas del Jabhat al-Nusra. Lo cual desune aún más a la oposición y agrieta la alianza entre EEUU y Qatar, una de las sedes del Pentágono.
11. Francia, tras la exitosa experiencia de reconquistar Libia, sueña con restaurar su dominio sobre otra de sus excolonias.
12. Israel debilita al aliado de Irán, de Hamás y de Hezbolá, mientras se queda con los recursos hídricos sirios de los Altos del Golán e intenta hacerse con la parte correspondiente a Siria en el campo de gas descubierto en el Mediterráneo. (El “factor gas” en la crisis siria y “Is the US Playing With Gas in Syria?”) En su primer desafío de su segundo mandato, Obama aterroriza el mundo ¡por los intereses de Arabia Saudí e Israel!
Ninguno de esos objetivos tiene que ver con los derechos humanos de los sirios.
Las 8 consecuencias
La agresión militar de EEUU y sus socios…
1. Provocará la represalia de Siria contra Israel, Jordania, Turquía y las tropas de la OTAN en Irak y en el Líbano. Este no es el diminuto Kosovo. Aquí además existen armas químicas, terroristas caníbales, el germen de un sangriento conflicto sectario y… un Putin que no hará de Yeltsin.
2. Debilitará a los propios aliados de Washington, como Jordania y Turquía.
3. Cambiará el balance de las fuerzas en Siria sin resolver el conflicto; agudizará la tensión étnica- religiosa del país, incluso después de Asad.
4. Fortalecerá al salafismo y al wahabismo en todo el mundo, en perjuicio de las fuerzas progresistas.
5. Dañará las relaciones de Occidente con Rusia y China y cambiará el clima político internacional.
6. Rusia podrá aumentar los costes de esta agresión interrumpiendo los suministros de la OTAN a sus tropas en Afganistán, desde la Red de Distribución del Norte (Rusia-Kazajistán-Afganistán), lo mismo que hace Pakistán desde la ruta del Sur. O saltarse las sanciones impuestas contra Irán y estrechar sus lazos con éste país. Hassan Rowhani se reunirá con Putin y el presidente de China, Xi Jinping, en Kirguistán el mes que viene.
7. Empujará a los países de la región a una desenfrenada carrera armamentística.
8. Sentará otro precedente de cómo burlar la soberanía nacional de los países pequeños siendo potencias armadas hasta los dientes.
En el marco neo-imperial actual, las pretensiones de EEUU son sueños de un loco llevados a cabo por un borrach
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