domenica 14 luglio 2024

Palestina. Il massacro continua a Khan Younis ....


“Un nuovo massacro israeliano di 71 civili e il ferimento di altri 289 ad Al-Mawasi, una tendopoli vicino a Khan Younis, dove Israele aveva intimato ai residenti di trasferirsi indicandolo “luogo sicuro”. Tra le vittime figurano membri della Protezione Civile, autisti delle ambulanze, operatori umanitari, donne, bambini, fedeli in preghiera in una tenda (le moschee erano già state bombardate) e giornalisti. Le scene sono orribili. L'unico ospedale vicino è in grado di offrire solo il primo soccorso, non assistenza medica essendo impedito l’ingresso di apparecchiature chirurgiche. Il mondo assiste impotente al massacro quotidiano e alla fame di massa. Inoltre 21000 palestinesi muoiono torturati nei gulag israeliani” 

Brano tradotto da Giorgio Stern

Testo in Inglese:

A new Israeli massacre of 71 civilians and injuring 289 others in Al-Mawasi
tent city near Khan Younis. This is a place Israel asked residents to move
to as a “safe place”. The victims include civil defense personnel,
ambulance drivers, aid workers, women, children, worshippers in a prayer
tent (mosques were already bombed), and journalists (now 150 journalists
were murdered in Gaza). The scenes are too horrific. The only nearby
hospital is essentially able to offer only first aid as no medical or
surgical equipment are allowed to enter. The world still watches massacre
after massacre daily. Also watching mass starvation. 21000 Palestinians are
also being tortured literally to death in Israeli gulags worse than any of
the medieval age.

This is taking place now on the West Bank. Bulldozers at work. First you
take away the infrastructure to make life impossible. And, then?

Israel deliberately destroyed all of Gaza’s hospitals with US approval and
support: There’s not a single functional medical facility left in the
enclave, while the direct and indirect death toll could be approaching

‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all
violence in Gaza. Israeli soldiers describe the near-total absence of
firing regulations in the Gaza war, with troops shooting as they please,
setting homes ablaze, and leaving corpses on the streets — all with their
commanders’ permission.

From The Nation: These are the true 'winners' of the war on Gaza

The fascist regime marches on. No other system in the world today exists
with this much social pathology and spiteful anger. It is lashing out
without much logic. But while they try to fragment our society and finish
us off, we still persist. Thus, I am convinced more than ever that the end
of Israeli apartheid is close. The predictable outcome of the enterprise
in the same way that Apartheid in South Africa had a predictable outcome.
Unfortunately, those lessons in history tell us that the meanness will get
worse as the regime feels cornered and will not face the reality of its own
racism but starts to lash-out at anything and everything. That is the last
stage of dismantlement of racism.

Mazin Qumsiyeh

A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine

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