mercoledì 29 maggio 2024

No to NATO, No to War, Free Palestine!


NATO will be coming to Washington, D.C. in July to meet and celebrate their 75th anniversary. On Judy 6 - 7, we will meet them with protests and alternative summits. Join us!

July 6 – 7, Washington, D.C.
(organized by a coalition of groups of which UNAC is a part).

In early July, NATO will be coming to Washington, DC for a summit meeting and to celebrate its 75th anniversary. The antiwar movement will meet them with counter summits, meetings and protests. This year, our protest of NATO takes on an added importance because of the Genocide it is supporting in Palestine. Support of the Israeli colonial-settler state and its genocidal policies is not new for NATO. In a statement on the NATO website called, “NATO and Israel reaffirm strong partnership,” NATO lauded their “mutually beneficial partnership.” Afterall, it was the European and North American colonial powers that created the entity called Israel in the first place and have supported it ever since with military, financial and political aid. Today, we can see how this is helping Israel in their genocide against the Palestinian people. It is US and NATO weapons and money that are being used by Israel to kill the Palestinian people. 

For more information:

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